The Single Nomad


Traveling is by far the most amazing decision I’ve ever made for myself.  The sheer excitement of being in a country for the first time gives me chills.  The first thing I want to do after I sit my bags down in my room is to take a walk around the neighborhood.  There’s something about that first walk that makes my heart sing. The newness of a city, the sounds, the smells, the sights and the mystery of it all is the best experience in the world.



An added bonus to traveling is that I can share my stories with family and friends.  When I have any free moments, the first thing I do is jump on the phone to talk to my people. In my excitement, I talk so fast that I hardly even take a breath.  Once I stop speaking, what’s always their first question? Are you dating anyone?



Really?  I just shared all of this excitement of my travels with you, and all you want to know is if I’m still single?  I try not to get upset knowing we have all been conditioned from childhood to believe that we must find our prince charming and have our 2.5 kids.  That’s surely how we get to our happily ever after, right?




Well, I have chosen to rebel against that system and not follow the path that has been dictated to us but to follow my dreams so, yes, I’m still single.  With this constant moving around, finding a spouse can be difficult, but not impossible. While it is not my current goal to find a spouse, for those who desire to have one, I want to let you know it’s still an option for you even in this lifestyle.  There are so many men and women out there who are travellers just like me so I know it is possible to find someone who accepts this nomad lifestyle. Each time I arrive in a city, I reach out to the local black expats typically through facebook groups (i.e. Black Expats in Colombia etc.).  The people in these groups are black single men and women from all over the world who are making their homes abroad. We are out here enjoying life doing what we love together. There are usually meet-ups or folks reaching out just to have dinner or drinks.



Trust me, doing what you love will never leave you lacking what you need, and if it’s a spouse that you want, you will find one.  I’ve always said that you’ll find the right person while doing what you love, and I love travel. Being honest, I meet guys all the time along my journey who travel full-time or travel most of the time.    



A few days ago I was at a bar in Miami, and I met a fellow traveler.  He was a black man who is from France, lives in London, and he’s a digital nomad.  He told me that his biggest issue with relationships is that they are too confining, not because he wants to be a player, but because he wants to be free to travel.  He said he has yet to meet a woman who was ok with his travel lifestyle, and he is quite a catch. He sold his company to a multinational corporation, and he’s currently the acting COO.  Since he loves to travel, he’s made his job remote and meets with people around the world for business as he travels. He spends a few days doing business and the rest of his time enjoying the trip.  This is just one of many stories I’ve heard from men who are also digital nomads.


-Nikki Faye

You can find out more about Nikki by following her on IG : @nikkifayethewanderer

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